Genre: Horror
 Year: 2008
 Cast: Alastair Gamble, Mihola Terzic, Nathan Witte
 Wade Gibb, Candice Lewald, Jeremy Beland
 Directed by: Ryan Nicholson

 Sold To: USA, France, Germany, Japan


"A thoroughly enjoyable, humorous, gory, and outrageous slasher"

"An excessive, sleasy and surprisingly fun film!"
Unbound Zine

A gory and hugely entertaining slasher flick"

A brutally sadistic rape leads to a series of bizarre gory murders during a midnight disco bowl-a-rama at a popular bowling alley. One by one, players of two teams meet blood-drenched gruesome deaths at the hand of a black bowling-gloved masked killer. This alley will run red with blood by sunrise and the shocking twist that reveals the killer will shock even the most jaded viewer!